Imam mahdi wikipedia francais languages

Imam mahdi in quran

Al-Mahdî (en arabe: المهدي) ou al-Mahdi al-Maw'ûd (en arabe: المهدي الموعود) signifie celui qui est guidé par Dieu.

imam mahdi wikipedia francais languages

Where is imam mahdi now

The Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam.

What age will imam mahdi appear

Ahmed al-Hasan, an engineer from Basra and leader of the Shia Iraqi movement Ansar al-Imam al-Mahdi [40] declared in that the hidden Imam had designated him as his representative (wassi).

Imam mahdi story
Al-Mahdi Ahmad (–), Imam of Yemen who ruled –; Al-Mahdi Muhammad bin Ahmed (–), also known as Ṣāḥib al-Mawāhib, Imam of Yemen who ruled –; Al-Mahdi Abbas (–), Imam of Yemen who ruled –; Mahdi Puya or Ayatullah Agha Hajji Mirza Mahdi Puya Yazdi (–), Twelver Shi`a Muslim.