Suket dhir biography definition

Biography definition and examples

With a longing to reinvent Indian artisanal techniques, Suket Dhir, along with his wife Svetlana, launched their *sustainable* menswear label in and their very first womenswear .
suket dhir biography definition

Suket dhir biography definition

A wanderer at heart, Suket Dhir has and continues to travel places to give fibre his very own definition.

Suket dhir biography definition in english

Born in Banga, India, Suket describes himself as a former ‘slacker’ who once sold mobile phones for AT & T. He now lives in New Delhi and was last year awarded the Missing: definition.
Suket dhir biography definition in urdu
Born in Banga, India, he is an unshorn and unshaven Punjabi Hindu who styles himself a “wannabe Sikh”; a self-described former “slacker” now blissfully married to a Russian Missing: definition.