Thant myint u biography examples
U thant belongs to which country
Thant Myint-U is a Burmese-American historian, writer, grandson of former United Nations Secretary-General U Thant, former UN official, former Myanmar peace process mediator, and an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
U thant death
A writer and historian, Thant Myint-U was born January 31, , in New York City to parents of Burmese descent.
Kurt waldheim
Thant Myint-U is an historian, a past Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and the founder and chairman of the Yangon Heritage Trust.
U thant
Grandson of United Nations Secretary-General U Thant, Dr. Thant Myint-U (Burma, –) spent a year on the Burmese-Thai border assisting Burmese refugees before he Missing: examples.